Parking lot base, lawn mowers and cars not included
This kit includes all building parts and signs milled in white styrene plastic and clear window glazing. Plastruct corrugated metal roofing. All parts fit together but may need light sanding in joints for cosmetic reasons. The model needs painting.
Some model building and painting skills are required. This Lowe’s storefront is ideal for covering a large piece of the backdrop, almost 2 feet.Size: 23 1/2″ x 3 3/4″ x 5 1/2″ (600 x 95 x 140 mm)
The picture below shows fence sections on display to the left of the entrance
LO-FK1 Lowe’s fence kit
Click on the image to add this detail accessory to your order.

Paint colors you will need to match the model in the pictures:
- Testors #1726 Light sea gray
- Testors #1723 Gunship Gray
- Testors #1772 Blue Angel Blue
- Testors #1781 Aluminum
- Floquil #110011 Reefer White
- Floquil #110450 SOO Line Red